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Twitch Writers

  • Writers CONduit: This is a wonderful virtual writing convention that brings together the various circles of writers who create content on Twitch. The first event was in June 2021, and we’re all excited to do more!
  • TwitchStories: This is an archive of people who write and stream, and where to find their stories

Writing Sites

Here are some excellent online writing communities and resources I use:

  • 4theWords (Writing Productivity): Welcome to the Oge-Mai Valley, home to amazing creatures plagued with a mysterious dust. Help to drive back the dust and progress the quest storyline by writing words to defeat monsters. It’s adorable and motivational and it’s helped me be much more intentional about when I write and when I take breaks from writing.
  • WorldAnvil: Look, if you have a giant made up world you’re trying to keep track of, or you love building worlds, or both, WorldAnvil is an excellent tool to store all those creative ideas.

Creative People

Here are some awesome creative people and reasons to check them out:

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